For Sale
1284 Sq Ft | Ref: 104088
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The property comprises an end-of-terrace property. The building is of stone construction and forms part of a small retail parade with a dessert shop at one end, attached to what was previously a veterinarian practice.
Hadfields Bakers previously occupied the property. The ground floor comprises a customer reception/waiting area, storage, prep room, kitchen, basement and toilet. The first-floor, one-bedroom flat can be accessed separately through the front of the unit.
There is a small garden to the rear of the property and car parking to the side of the property. The small garden can be accessed through the commercial unit or the side entrance as you walk through the car parking area.
The property fronts onto Luck Lane and overlooks Paddock Roundabout. Paddock is a Huddersfield district approximately one-mile southwest of the town centre. The property is in Paddock Centre, which is predominantly residential but has local amenities.
Available on request.
The price quoted is exclusive of VAT (if applicable).
The total approximate net & gross internal floor areas are:
ft m
Commercial 769 71.53
Flat 515 47.84
Offers are sought for the leasehold interest in the property in the region of £200,000 (Two Hundred Thousand Pounds), subject to contract and exclusive of VAT.
The long leasehold interest is being sold, subject to the current AST agreement.
For further information or should you wish to arrange a viewing, please contact the sole letting/selling agents:
154 Luck Lane, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD1